Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Autistic Spends 16 Years Designing an Amazing World

Gilles Trehin is an autistic 28-year-old. Since the age of 12, he has been designing an imaginary city called Urville. He has created detailed historical, geographical, cultural, and economic descriptions of the city, as well as an absolutely extraordinary set of drawings. Check out the pics!

Good friends of mine have an austistic boy, Connor, but then moost people these days know of an Austistic child. and yet, we know so little about, Autisim, except taht it is not normal, but then arent there so many conditions that make us abnormal. We wear glasses, Hearing aids, take heart tablets, blood pressure. I could go on... while this bloke is obvioulsy a high functioning Austistic, its heartening to se that at lease one more person their finding their place in the world.

read more | digg story

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